Snape with book2018.08.19. 12:49, Omen Drals
I'm done!
I actually finished in-between editing the previous post but didn't feel like post-spamming
It was so much more work than what it looks like it might have been. Of course that is because I'm not so great (very bad) when it comes to digital painting. The understanding of depth and lighting (also anatomy, of course) is crucial to get painting even as simple as this one done fast - and that's the reason this one took me so long. ~ 3-4 hours, I think.
But hey, it's much better than the old old Halloween art I've done back in the stone age with a mouse for that Mabinogi art contest. That took me almost an entire month! Although to be blatantly honest, it's still one of my most favourite works of mine. It's so colourful and cheery and festive and Halloweeny! It still kind of pains me I can't play Mabi anymore, as much as that game pisses me off with it's Korea-only elitism, but my computer can't handle it anymore
There is not much more to say about it anymore, I sort of said everything I wanted when posting the sketch yesterday
wip snape with levitated book2018.08.18. 23:11, Omen Drals
feat. wonky foreshortening and anatomy
I'm up to something again I guess
His eyes look like he may or may not be able to shoot beams out of them - I'm all for it
(anyone remembers that old meme about firing a lazer? I think our Snape here does! But I guess the old meme shot beams out of its mouth instead )
Oh, yes, it's a Snape illustration AGAIN
So, this happened because while I was sketching away at work (I'm back at the water amusement park for a few days a week, I might vent a bit of pent up frustration that has accumulated since ) and this sort of turned out to be a weird yet somewhat interesting concept:
Lately I have been working with Fire Alpaca instead (no actual reason, just so happened to be the case lately), and have made a few improvements when it comes to illustrating faces, too. I know the above sketch would have you believe otherwise, but pinky-promise it's all true and you'll see! One day. I guess.
So far I always ended up drawing a very animoo-ish face which would be perfectly fine, the problem is that it was hardly ever my intention! Especially when it comes to illustrating Snape. Snape and ugu ugu kawaii desu just doesn't mix well imho, but who knows.
So, I hope to be able to paint a little bit closer to realism in the future. Although never a 100% realism - I'm afraid not only that would be a completely impossible goal, but even if theoratically I succeed than still I would deviate from it for emotional effect, no? But trying to get closer to realism makes my works look a bit better, so I'll keep at this habit.
This time the weird pose is deliberate, by the way! I made this sketch after practicing hand positions, and I figured I'll undertake a very quick (because I was at work) lighthearted challenge and try to make a figure's hands appear in somewhat of an intricate position. I settled with one hand close to the observer and the other closer to the subject. While I'm not absolutely loving the end result, it was fine for something so quick and spontageous. And now I opened it back up and decided to work on it digitally a little ~
I included the colour palette too, just in case anyone takes a liking to it, but now on a hinfdsight... It's such a dull colour scheme why would anyone want it? What was I thinking?
I'll check back sometime very soon, but let me just awkwardly cut this post short because I am about to fall asleep on my keyboard here
Update I guess2018.08.09. 21:26, Omen Drals
So, I've already failed to showcase my hideous new "artwork" before, but I thought it would be nice to check in once in a million years, and give a quick update.
As already stated I tried to upload a few traditional abominations I've made while mum was back home (I have to give back her TV to her that I use as the monitor ). I have recently purchased watercolour pencils so I was trolling around with that, but don't worry nothing worth mentioning came out of that (aside from the fact that they were disgustingly expensive for a set of pencils).
So, basically I failed to upload them because I only snapped a pic of a few that were kinda-sorta-maybe not a 100% cringe fuel to share, but my phone took pictures in some enormous sizes and the file uploader on here basically freaked out and told me I don't have the space for that big of a file dump.
For the most part, however, I've been F I N A L L Y taking practicing anatomy ((((HANDS)))) seriously, so all I really have right now are a bunch of sketches both digitally and traditionally
(an abandoned Sev project. I'd guess his hand cramped the hell ip. No wonder he looks so bemused)
Now I make sure to work in a few extra hours during work too. So, this very latest lame sketch is really just a testament of how these few last weeks have passed: it's a Sev at first glance, but really it's just a lousy excuse to get in yet another hand drawing and some head anatomy practice. Yes, they both suck, but hey: this is still ten times better than what I could do so far! All I do lately is disembodied hands. Unfortunately this Sev isn't much luckier than the one above him - he somehow grew a lump under his thumb...
On his right those are just little notes to myself about what I was trying to go for - I would like to really stop working with all the "happy little accidents", and have a plan what I want to put on paper/screen. So far I've drawn with only a vague idea and if I accidentally got something right I would incorporate it into the final piece, but I realise I need to be able to draw in a more focused mannber with clear goals.
(... a few hours later ...)
I have no idea what's going on with that fabric either lmao
Will pop in again soon, probably with these same low quality updates ~
Hugs in high demand2018.03.06. 23:21, Omen Drals
So, these past few days (it's slowly an entire week now) I've been so stressed out, my stomach is cramping constantly and I'm having hot flashes. I've been thinking, how nice it would be to give (or receive) a nice, warm backhug, full of love and care and peace.
I blame these aformentioned sentiments above as the sole culprits behind this something I threw together in less than an hour.
Avert your eyes, it's bad (as usual!)
There are 16753264573254278 things I'm unhappy about this pic, but to keep my motto from Inktober - I won't get anything done if I just sit on everything for an entire month.
So, this is a quick emotional snapshot, I guess.
Should I even upload this on devi?
Mill chimney and smog2018.03.05. 20:09, Omen Drals
Well, it's finished.
I had to take a 2 day break (otherwise I swear this would have been up on Friday if not before), and I somehow managed to lowkey forget how I did the bricks, so the left side, which was completed as an after thought is vastly inferior to the original right.
The left side in general is just challanged overall anyways: her right hand looks good (altough this might look weird, as I drew her hand in big size then basically just shrunk it with the transform tool...) but the left is just.... unfortunate. Oh, well! It's all said and done.
But emphasis on the "done" of course!
Full res only for the brave at heart!
On deviantart:
This is basically the second part of my previous drawing, same Snape and his daughter theme. I don't know what happened to the left side of the drawing, it was going so well on the right