My artworks
this is just a lazy search for the tag "myart" in my blog, but here you go
From the sad times when GPortál didn't have a Blog function. Some of these are collected from sites I used to have but abandoned over the years.
Gifs, avatars, etc.
You may use these anywhere, but you're not allowed to edit them or pose as their creator!
They call me "Omen"
Fantasy Sekai // Spinner's End
Awaiting the new dawn
Admin: Omen Drals Design code: LindaDesign Flower icons in the Navigation are by the insanely talented Teekatas Suwannakrua Ugly doodles on the header by my humble self Live since: 2005. július 28. Site interests: Sesshoumaru in the beginning, then anime, then esoterics, and now everything but the kitchen sink (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ nyitáskor Sesshoumaru, utána animék, utána ezotéria most meg (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Nem vagyok nagy design-huszár, így ha el van minden csúszva, elnézést kérek :( My skills at web design are truly shocking, so if everything's all screwed up and mis-aligned, I am eternally sorry :(
Különösebben nem érdekel hol van a határ a személyes bejegyzés és a cikk között, így a "blog" szót csak finoman használnám. ;)
I am not at all concerned as to where is that fine line between a personal blogpost and an actual article, so I would only use the word "blog" to describe this site only lightly. :)
Néha magyarul, sometimes in english. Úgy is a bejegyzéseim java része just a bunch of ramblings and bitching, you're not missing out of bármi érdekfeszítőből.
Gportál is love, gportál is life
So, I've already failed to showcase my hideous new "artwork" before, but I thought it would be nice to check in once in a million years, and give a quick update.
As already stated I tried to upload a few traditional abominations I've made while mum was back home (I have to give back her TV to her that I use as the monitor ). I have recently purchased watercolour pencils so I was trolling around with that, but don't worry nothing worth mentioning came out of that (aside from the fact that they were disgustingly expensive for a set of pencils).
So, basically I failed to upload them because I only snapped a pic of a few that were kinda-sorta-maybe not a 100% cringe fuel to share, but my phone took pictures in some enormous sizes and the file uploader on here basically freaked out and told me I don't have the space for that big of a file dump.
For the most part, however, I've been F I N A L L Y taking practicing anatomy ((((HANDS)))) seriously, so all I really have right now are a bunch of sketches both digitally and traditionally
(an abandoned Sev project. I'd guess his hand cramped the hell ip. No wonder he looks so bemused)
Now I make sure to work in a few extra hours during work too. So, this very latest lame sketch is really just a testament of how these few last weeks have passed: it's a Sev at first glance, but really it's just a lousy excuse to get in yet another hand drawing and some head anatomy practice. Yes, they both suck, but hey: this is still ten times better than what I could do so far! All I do lately is disembodied hands. Unfortunately this Sev isn't much luckier than the one above him - he somehow grew a lump under his thumb...
On his right those are just little notes to myself about what I was trying to go for - I would like to really stop working with all the "happy little accidents", and have a plan what I want to put on paper/screen. So far I've drawn with only a vague idea and if I accidentally got something right I would incorporate it into the final piece, but I realise I need to be able to draw in a more focused mannber with clear goals.
(... a few hours later ...)
I have no idea what's going on with that fabric either lmao
Will pop in again soon, probably with these same low quality updates ~
I clearly don't have enough unfinished projects, so I came up with an inktober redraw (digital, this time).
On a more serious note, I seriously plan to do a month-long project just like inktober, but with digital drawings, because I see major improvements with the anxiety of perfection department all thanks to inktober. I'd really like to bring that to my digital works and possibly, even to my writings - how long has it been since I've written anything in any language?!
Lately, somehow, I feel my old creative strike coming back to me, and I never felt this inspired before, so I guess it's time for my personal, humble Renaissance ~
So, I was wondering if I ever promised myself to continue my sketch-blog thingy...? I used to have a blog on (the site that graciously forgot to warn its users of its sudden closing ) where I posted all of my visual arts endeavors - this basically meant, that if I ever raised a pencil (or pen) I posted whatever came out of it. Did I ever mention this here, and if so, have I already promise myself to continue the unsightly tradition on here? I always promise myself a gazillion things and I break all those promises on the first chance I get...
Oh well! Further hand practice and a weird harry drawing (click to enlarge)
In my defense, the Harry drawing started as an attempt to draw more complex body positions: his upper body faces to his right and his lower half to his left. I also lifted his legs simply because I never do that, and I wanted to practice that. It was good for trying to broaden my horizons, but yes, the outcome is very broken and the proportions are, well, something I will definitely have to look into seriously
But eh, I guess it's okay for a 30-minute something for now