My artworks
this is just a lazy search for the tag "myart" in my blog, but here you go
From the sad times when GPortál didn't have a Blog function. Some of these are collected from sites I used to have but abandoned over the years.
Gifs, avatars, etc.
You may use these anywhere, but you're not allowed to edit them or pose as their creator!
They call me "Omen"
Fantasy Sekai // Spinner's End
Awaiting the new dawn
Admin: Omen Drals Design code: LindaDesign Flower icons in the Navigation are by the insanely talented Teekatas Suwannakrua Ugly doodles on the header by my humble self Live since: 2005. július 28. Site interests: Sesshoumaru in the beginning, then anime, then esoterics, and now everything but the kitchen sink (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ nyitáskor Sesshoumaru, utána animék, utána ezotéria most meg (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Nem vagyok nagy design-huszár, így ha el van minden csúszva, elnézést kérek :( My skills at web design are truly shocking, so if everything's all screwed up and mis-aligned, I am eternally sorry :(
Különösebben nem érdekel hol van a határ a személyes bejegyzés és a cikk között, így a "blog" szót csak finoman használnám. ;)
I am not at all concerned as to where is that fine line between a personal blogpost and an actual article, so I would only use the word "blog" to describe this site only lightly. :)
Néha magyarul, sometimes in english. Úgy is a bejegyzéseim java része just a bunch of ramblings and bitching, you're not missing out of bármi érdekfeszítőből.
Gportál is love, gportál is life
Rimbaud has shaped my mind unlike any other person - dead or alive -, and the older I get the more I feel like I can understand and emphatise with his musings and thoughts.
And, as of late, fears.
The young Rimbaud was fond of modernity ('One must be absolutely modern!'), praised innovation and the advancement of science. The older Rimbaud, his clothes dirtied by the sand of time and torn by foreign, merciless winds of being an invalid, however, found himself to be afraid of times to come. The inventions, telephones, images, the first signs of the later coming Information Age (our age!) made him denounce the enthusiastic bohemian youth he once was.
And truly - where does it all lead?
Where are we heading?
The direction seems to be going towards a no-art, no-culture, no-identity route, where everything belongs to everyone, and where no one is really anyone. The cultures we have built up, the diversity of the world is to come crashing down to give place to a world-society (instead of separate societies), as savage and useless they might be, and it has to do so - to serve them with the kind of emptiness such society can only fit into.
This world-society won't understand art or tradition - and we can already see the first movements to that horrible tragedy. Entertainers are winning "art" awards, rear-shaking is the new political manifesto, baby tonight tonight is the new national anthem. Our past, now completely failing to be understood by this new generation of degenerates is losing all of its meaningfullness.
A society without a past has no future, however.
The borders will vanish, the countless litres of blood of our sweet forefathers who fought until their last breath for those borders will go down the drain with all the values they have taught us, so we can give place to the mindless mob, the motherless, idiotic lot of them all. Look at France. Just look.
I don't know how 2070 (or so) will look like, but 3070 will be a year we will thank the heavens not have to look at.