My artworks
this is just a lazy search for the tag "myart" in my blog, but here you go
From the sad times when GPortál didn't have a Blog function. Some of these are collected from sites I used to have but abandoned over the years.
Gifs, avatars, etc.
You may use these anywhere, but you're not allowed to edit them or pose as their creator!
They call me "Omen"
Fantasy Sekai // Spinner's End
Awaiting the new dawn
Admin: Omen Drals Design code: LindaDesign Flower icons in the Navigation are by the insanely talented Teekatas Suwannakrua Ugly doodles on the header by my humble self Live since: 2005. július 28. Site interests: Sesshoumaru in the beginning, then anime, then esoterics, and now everything but the kitchen sink (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ nyitáskor Sesshoumaru, utána animék, utána ezotéria most meg (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Nem vagyok nagy design-huszár, így ha el van minden csúszva, elnézést kérek :( My skills at web design are truly shocking, so if everything's all screwed up and mis-aligned, I am eternally sorry :(
Különösebben nem érdekel hol van a határ a személyes bejegyzés és a cikk között, így a "blog" szót csak finoman használnám. ;)
I am not at all concerned as to where is that fine line between a personal blogpost and an actual article, so I would only use the word "blog" to describe this site only lightly. :)
Néha magyarul, sometimes in english. Úgy is a bejegyzéseim java része just a bunch of ramblings and bitching, you're not missing out of bármi érdekfeszítőből.
Gportál is love, gportál is life
The sole reason of my absense is my monitor: it kissed this world of shadows its final goodbyes. Just yesterday I finally cared enough to do something about it: I realized I could hook my mum's TV onto my PC. It looks... weird. And it's BIG. But anyhow, all my latest art thingies are traditional now because of this. I wouldn't necessarily consider any of them well-executed enough to bother to upload, but maybe I will take a pic of them with my phone and toss those up here.
This TV that I use as a monitor has some problems (undertsand: serious problems) with sharpness, but at the same time I'm itching to finally touch my tablet again. The dilemma... Also, this TV looks so much more saturated than my monitor did. I wonder now how all my artworks look to others again... Also, the bloquote is perfectly visibly stands out from the background, too. Is it like this for everyone?
I was always a bit suspicious how come it's so faint on my end. But the characters I'm typing up now have blurry edges and this reminds me that might seriously affect how I'd go about drawing with this display. Yet, at the same time, I won't be able to resist...
In about a weeks time mum's gonna be back, so expect me to vanish again - I'll have to give her TV back after all!